Friday, November 28, 2008

28 Nov Session 5

Speaking & Listening
Today concludes our speaking and listening segments. Next week we'll be introducing the reading and writing components to our participants. We have been very encouraged by their response to our facilitation. The organisers were at first worried that they may not be responsive yet as the day goes by, we notice that our participants are opening up and becoming more vocal. As a conclusion to this week's lesson, we also introduce new techniques and strategies to engage students who are more kinesthetically-inclined for example debate and drama. We also introduce dictation to improve pupils' spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and listening skill. Our participants share with us that many of the tools and strategies that we have been using in class are new to them and they truly appreciate it. Upon reflection, we realise that by coming together to plan and organise this TWA, we also "sharpen the saw" at the same time. It forces us to re-evaluate our own teaching with fresh eyes and surface each other's assumptions on teaching and learning. Last but not least we humbly admit that sometimes the teacher becomes the student :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

27 Nov Session 4

Speaking and Listening
Our hosts Yuli, Irene and Rin take us out for dinner tonight. We're both intrigued and amused at the thought of having roast pigeon but the're truly delicious!
Today's lesson focus on public speaking and metaphorical language. We use songs, poetry and games like (blindfolded) obstacle course and "show & tell". These exercises provide the participants with ample opportunities to see English in context and in action. For the listening comprehension component we also introduce inference techniques. Now that the facilitators know the participants a lot better, we're able to communicate our instructions effectively. Strong relationships certainly break all barriers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

26 Nov Session 3

Speaking & Listening
We have the privilege of meeting the DGE of Indonesia who is based in Jakarta today for lunch. In spite of his tight schedule, he takes the time to chat with us and find out more about education in Singapore.
Back in the classroom, we engage our participants in more activity-based lessons so that they may use them to engage their own students. It is almost amusing to discover that teachers in both countries have such similar concerns when it comes to keeping our students meaningfully occupied. We are very grateful that our participants are fully present everyday although it can be a rather long day. They motivate us further to do our best with their active participation, positive attitude, their passion to learn and dedication to their students.
For our speaking and listening components, we focus on presentation skills and expressing emotions. We are touched by our participants' sincerity and willingness to share with us. We believe we have created 20 Critical Friends.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

25 Nov Session 2

Speaking and Listening
We begin the session by inviting our participants to lay down ground rules for their teams in the spirit of LC where teachers take ownership of their own learning. In addition we also introduce the KWL technique to check for understanding. We invite each teacher to state what they Know, what they Want to learn from us and later, what they have Learnt at the end of the session. This technique is useful to check for understanding as well as to identify teachers' needs and wants in order for us to align our lesson plan to their learning needs.
During our debrief today, we reflect on the day's session and identify our strengths and areas for improvement. We also go through tomorrow's lesson especially what the facilitators will have to do. We recognise that we need to improve on our instruction delivery to suit the needs of our participants. Although we support each segment with scaffolding, we also realise that we need to model what we expect our participants to do.

Monday, November 24, 2008

24 Nov Session 1

Education in Singapore
Learning Circles as a Professional Development Tool for Teachers
We are inspired by the passion the teachers show for their vocation. A teacher shares with us his experience teaching in a rural area and the acute lack of resources for both teachers and students. It makes us re-assess what we hold dear as teachers and re-evaluate our priorities as teachers. The participants are very much interested in our education system especially how Singapore managed to develop rapidly since the 1970s. The sharing on our education system has answered some of their questions. The teachers are also keen to pose questions and the dialogue between teachers from the two countries has opened our eyes to many possibilities especially potential collaborations between P4TK and TN.
Learning Circles is something new to our participants and we are quite heartened by their eagerness to learn and participate actively in our dialogues. They especially appreciate the discussion and sharing of strategies as they can almost immediately transfer their learning to their classrooms.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

23 Nov Arrival at Yogyakarta

We arrive at last! We are so grateful to our hosts from PPPPTK - Yuli, Irene, Titi and Wiwid who came to the airport personally to welcome us. Yogya is a beautiful place with natural surroundings and an active volcano. We are looking forward to meet the 20 teachers from all over Indonesia whom we'll share our teaching & learning EL experience with for the next 2 weeks. Tonight at 8pm, we're having the first of our daily brief. Tomorrow morning at 8am we'll be meeting the director after which there'll be a formal opening ceremony. We'll kick off the session with an overview of Education in Singapore and introducing LC as a possible tool for the professional development of EL teachers. We are touched by the teachers' passion to upgrade themselves and willingness to go the distance (literally) to learn from others - an eye-opening lesson for us all.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

18 Nov Brief for Participants

As part of our preparation for Yogyakarta, our TWA colleagues Mary and Ser Wee have arranged for a brief to familiarise us with our TWA objectives as well as to get to know one another. Ms Shakila Vasu from CPDD was kind enough to share with us her teaching experience in Indonesia. The brief also gave us the opportunity to carry out a "dry-run" of our presentations. Input from other members were valuable in making sure that all our lessons flow seamlessly from one session to another. We have also revised some of our approaches in light of Shakila's feedback. Before the session ended, we managed to take some photos and prepare logistics.


Training for English Teachers
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
24 Nov – 5 Dec 2008
Educational Resource Development & Empowerment Centre for Arts & Culture

· Participants will be able to learn from each other’s best practices and adapt them to improve their own teaching practice.
· To sharpen participants’ skills in Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening in the teaching of English Language at Secondary Level.
· To equip participants with basic facilitation skills so that they may form their own learning teams to improve teaching and learning in their schools.

20 English teachers of Vocational High School from 14 provinces across Indonesia.

PPPPTK SB, Yogyakarta

Participants from Singapore
Ms Sharon Law Huizhen, St Nicholas Girls’ Sec Sch
Ms Norazleen Binte Ayob, Woodgrove Sec Sch
Ms Rajinder Kaur, Zhonghua Sec Sch
Ms Crystal Ling Yuet Ping, Zhonghua Sec Sch
Ms Sucillia Sukiman, Teachers Network (TDD)

24 Nov Overview (1 hr), Education in Singapore (4 hr)
25-26 Nov Speaking Skills Development (17 hr)
27-28 Nov Listening Skills Development (16 hr)
1-2 Dec Reading Skills Development (16 hr)
3-4 Dec Writing Skills Development (16 Hr), Reflection (3 hr)