Friday, November 28, 2008

28 Nov Session 5

Speaking & Listening
Today concludes our speaking and listening segments. Next week we'll be introducing the reading and writing components to our participants. We have been very encouraged by their response to our facilitation. The organisers were at first worried that they may not be responsive yet as the day goes by, we notice that our participants are opening up and becoming more vocal. As a conclusion to this week's lesson, we also introduce new techniques and strategies to engage students who are more kinesthetically-inclined for example debate and drama. We also introduce dictation to improve pupils' spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and listening skill. Our participants share with us that many of the tools and strategies that we have been using in class are new to them and they truly appreciate it. Upon reflection, we realise that by coming together to plan and organise this TWA, we also "sharpen the saw" at the same time. It forces us to re-evaluate our own teaching with fresh eyes and surface each other's assumptions on teaching and learning. Last but not least we humbly admit that sometimes the teacher becomes the student :)

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